On…Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS)


Phew what a mouthful of a title, I think for ease of writing, I’m just going to call this game Devil Survivor from now in this review. I just want to preface by saying this is the only Megami Tensei game I’ve ever played, and I know it’s absolutely huge in Japan, but to be honest, I had never heard of it before its DS release. Therefore my review of this game is going to be solely concentrated on this game in its own right – not how it compares to the other games in the series or how it compares to future titles in the series. Without further ado then, what is Devil Survivor? Well, it’s a turn-based strategy game with RPG elements where you control demons that you collect and summon. The game is set in modern-day Tokyo during a demonic attack which results in a lock-down placed on the city. You, along with your friends, must survive the quarantine by summoning friendly monsters to fight the more aggressive ones, and by figuring out a way to lift the lock-down.

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